Sunday, March 27, 2011

sunday morning thoughts

i've been thinking that maybe there is no difference between "seeing something special" in a person, and projecting your bullshit expectations on a person. I've been reading Revolutionary Road, and therefore questioning the things on which i've based my relationships.

in other news, took nelson for a long walk this morning, mostly because he demanded it by physically pushing me out of bed at 7:30. we went up into central park and met what the central park website describes as "a community of responsible dog owners." they were cute, in a "responsible dog owner" kind of way.

also, i jammed my left thumb last night. do you have any idea how important your left thumb is when typing is your principal method of communication??? i'd post a picture of it but i think everyone can imagine what a jammed thumb looks like (think purple and huge) and thumbs in any condition are gross.

homework time.

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