Thursday, March 28, 2013

tour diary?

alright, woo! lets go, blogging!
this space will now be a tour diary, and since my traffic has jumped right the fuck up since my lovey love bird linked this page to his website and declared it a 'tour diary' that is what i will blog about.
currently, we are stalled the fuck out in nyc, booking shows and trying to get a van.
would you like to see Johnny play in your local grimy dive bar? your favorite maga-stadium? let me know.
do you have a big ol' van you're looking to sell? throw a comment on here and tell me all about it.
personally, i'd like to spend the next few days blogging about game of thrones and how balls-out excited i am for its imminent return to my screen, but i suppose we all must do our duty.
we do plan to be on the road by mid april. our current, idealized, romanticized routing takes us from detroit to seattle, then down the west coast, then spiral around in the west, then has us mired in southern swamps before sweeping up the atlantic coast and dropping us back in new york.
we have yet to find out if any of that will actually happen.
check back for more news. i will write it when i know about it.

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