Tuesday, April 23, 2013

excerpts of old work

The very beginning of great love affairs define their entire arc. The first few days of a romance are the memorable ones, they are indicative of its' full span. Those are the days you hold onto when the weeks become months, the months become years, the sun heaves itself to the top of its' done and slides greasily down again. The moon appears and vanishes, a little more of her every night until she completes her stately entrance and then she turns her back on you and vanishes slowly into the distance until she is gone again. the stars rotate. orion stalks his prey east to west around the navy sky, his bow at the ready. you pay their toll with the love you saved for each other. as the great bodies travel you pay their fare from your souls until their passage through time has taken everything from you.


You realize your body is YOURS, that it belongs to you like a toy or a tool, that you can manipulate its' functions in any way you want, and that's the thing that sticks with you and marks you. You never lose that sense of power over your own biology. That's how we recognized each other, how we'll always recognize each other. I used to think the others knew me by that particular pallor in my skin, that special blue-green glow under the ivory surface of my body, or by my searching eyes, eyes they always share, eyes skipping across the faces in a room like flat rocks on the surface of a still pond. I'm starting to realize, though, that we could recognize in each other the same expression of disappointment, complete and pure, pure disappointment, the kind that comes from having gained the power of God, from playing with His creations and then realizing that his power is so easily attainable, that His magic is a trick anyone can perform. There is no mystery left to the body for us. We understand it. We know our very blood intimately. We have more than knowledge of our blood itself; we have the power to USE it, to change ourselves by changing it, to reach heights of bliss so pure we don't need food. We don't need sunshine. We don't need anything you mortals need. We have pulled our blood out of its' veins, mixed it with the molten fire we stole from God, and pushed it all back into our bodies to tour our hearts and brains and light us up with a peace and joy you can never imagine.
We have the power to manipulate our bodies beyond the boundaries of your existence, to push our selves into a world where happiness is unbounded of your existence. Death is meaningless. Life is meaningless. You are meaningless and so am I.

I have measured out my life in coffee spoons. I have poured my life from tiny envelopes of wax paper into the bowl of a spoon, mixed it with water, and boiled it over a candle flame. I have pulled blood from my veins, watched it mix with life, and sent it back. I have known and defeated God. Death is meaningless. Life is meaningless and so am I.


The teapot had been steaming steadily for some time now, though I stopped hearing it's whistle when I sat down. Steam poured onto the kitchen floor and filled the room slowly. It lapped over my legs and circled my waist, and was surrounding the edges of the table. It kept rising.
I woke in a heavily damp forest with the Nightmare Man's words booming from the trees around me.
"Trees don't dream. Trees have bark and the bark keeps them safe."
I raised my left arm in front of my eyes and saw the same woodgrain I'd studied on my kitchen table moments before stretching out under my skin.
"Trees don't dream. Trees can grow because they aren't afraid. Trees just grow."
I looked down from my height and saw my dog curled up in the grass next to where my bark met the grass below. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Psych Eval

in february of 2011, a team of psychiatrists and psychologists evaluated my mental condition with a whole battery of tests, the 20 page result-report of which I just found on my hard drive.
i think it goes without saying that this is an AWESOME read.
one of the many tests was sentence completion. i will copy and paste that section here.
The bit before the "..." is the given statement; the bit after is the response i filled in.

Reisner, Alexandra 2/17/11 Page 15 of 16

I like people who...can relax, don’t pressure me. 
Mom was...my hero. 
When people try to boss me... I get pissed. 
As a child...I was small.
I get angry when...I’m told to do something I was planning to do already.
What worries me... is that life is meaningless. 
The trouble with women... what trouble with women?
Most of all, I want to...matter. 
I am ashamed...of failure. 
They...like me! They really like me! 
A good person...is hard to find. 
The trouble with my home...not enough dogs. 
I dislike people who...are stupid. 
When I was a kid, I liked...reading. 
I can’t stand it when...people on the sidewalk stop suddenly. 
I am afraid...of being alone. 
Compared to women, men...rarely apply logic. 
I used to wish...to be president. 
If I do something wrong...I cover for it quickly. 
I am...adorable! 
A good friend...remembers birthdays. 
The important fact about my dad...is that he’s way smarter than anyone will ever be. 
I don’t like people who... judge me. 
When I was young, my greatest trouble....was w/ authority. 
I might lose self-control...on the dance floor! 
If only....I was rich. 
Marriage is a gamble...b/c you can’t trust anybody. 
I need...affection. 
It is wrong...to snitch. 
God is...dog spelled backward. 
If people praise me...I tell them I agree, but then lose respect for them.
A sister...can be helpful? 
If someone says, “You can’t do it”...I do. 
When I went to school...I had to walk 15 miles in the snow. 
I could kill someone if...I had a gun. 
I feel tense when...I have no control. 
The worst thing a man could do to a woman... is lie. 
The most important thing in my life was...hasn’t happened yet. 
You get punished for...[-] 
Death..., the sweetest mercy. 
When people trust me...I buckle under the pressure. 
A brother...[-] 
When I am criticized...I get pissed. 
My favorite game as a child was...I mostly read books. 
I hate...citrus fruit. 
I can’t think right...when it’s too hot.
Love...lifts us up where we belong. 
I should like...country music, but I don’t. 
I wish I had not... N/A. 
Life...is cyclical.

I guarantee my evaluators did not get half those jokes or song quotes. 
Also, my IQ score is 140 so eat my pussy motherfuckers!!

Fucking Facebook

Here's an honest question for you, reader. What exactly is the difference between maintaining a Facebook account and taking an unusually thick dick up your ass?

Monday, April 15, 2013


I have fought battles you will never fight, seen things you will never see, faced demons you will never imagine.
And I have learned, and grown.

And I'm itching for a fight.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

tour update

We have a van and are currently transforming it into our rolling art machine / house.  We're also overwhelmed by the support and donations that have started coming in - you guys are incredible!  This whole machine will be on the road in the next month and we can't wait to start the real work!! Fucking brace yourselves, america; the tropic of entropy is aimed at you!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

it's april, fool

i'm trying to do this thing where I update this shit on the regular, but not much has happened.
we went to boston for a quick vaca, because boston is the ideal romantic vacation hotspot obvs, and it was relaxing and lovely. 
i think mr. mr. is out getting a van right now, and there's a decent chance we'll be starting this tour already in debt, so im really looking forward to my future as a starving artist's muse. bring on the hunger! i gotta drop like fifteen pounds. but after that it'd be nice if you guys would give us some of your money.
still booking shows with no end in sight. please tell me if you have a great little dive bar that needs an injection of grimy blues music! my man will come to it and play his songs!
i just wrote a super depressing story that i can't really proof bc it bums me out too hard, but you may someday see it realized on television. more on that later.
so like i said i don't have a lot of information for you.
there's a possibility we will be heading to detroit this weekend, and then ill be in ohio for a little while maybe maybe maybe getting another kickass tattoo. fingers crossed guys. 
(ps - that game of thrones season premiere was so fucking satisfying. seriously.)