Friday, June 14, 2013

friday morning angst / tour update

ohmygoddddddddddddd you guys. yesterday just flipped us over and fucked us.

(this entire post will be directly influenced by how little sleep i got last night)

so yesterday, after the fucking tornado drove by about a mile from the house, johnny's 5D called it quits.  he described it thusly:

shortly after that we realized we'd have to spend another day here and not leave for south bend until today. fine, i unpacked the cooler and hauled my suitcase out of the van, no big deal. then i volunteered to go pick up some cigarettes for him while he tried to fix his camera, and the fucking dude at the gas station flatly refused to sell me cigarettes, even after i told him i voted in the last TWO presidential elections and remember where I was when KURT COBAIN DIED, all because i maybe threw my wallet at somebody in chicago and don't have my ID any more. WHATEVER.

over the next six hours, johnny lost both of his external harddrives, and both of his laptops. they just looked at him and said "nope!" and fizzled out and died. and then he didn't have any of his work any more.

so that was fucking awesome.
THEN my shit started, when i tried to go sleep, and then couldn't til 4 and then had to wake up today at 930. which, fine, five and a half hours should really be enough for a grown ass adult, but IT ISN'T FOR ME.

whew. thanks for letting me get that shit off my chest. i feel a lot better.

we are going to south bend ASAP for a show tonight at Quincy's, which we were gonna film for all of you but i doubt we'll do that now. but if you live in indiana, scoot on over to quincy's tonight! ill be nice to you and johnny will be extra bluesy. promises.

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