Monday, September 16, 2013

introducing trey badami: fledgeling fashion photog extraordinaire

i'm leaving new york today to return to toledo. ill be on the train from 1530 today until 0600 tomorrow, so i'll have plenty of time en route to tell you everything i did and everyone i did it with while in new york. i promise to name names and go into excruciating detail about every moment of my triumphant return to the first city i ever lived, so check back for that.

right now though, i just have to show you these pictures. trey and i took them late last night / early this morning when neither of us could sleep. we'd been planning to do a shoot together to give him some practice and build his portfolio, so i expected us to have some fun and play around a bit. i certainly did not expect the images he created - this is only the fourth time he's ever photographed a model, and he took to directing naturally and comfortably. he was not only a pleasure to shoot with, he took some truly stunning pictures. these are not those pictures - they're pictures of his pictures, taken with my iphone while they displayed on his laptop screen.

(this next one is my favorite)

*probably my favorite thing about these is that if you look you can see mine and trey's reflection on his computer screen as i'm taking the pictures of his pictures*

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