Thursday, October 31, 2013


my writing process is stunningly inefficient. I had to go through several (more than two) hours of being stunned by the amount of work i was just assigned and the deadline on it, then several hours (again, more than three) being pissed at my editors and trying to figure out how this could happen, what caused them to sit on my original draft for a week and then require a completely new draft the night before the print deadline, then another hour or two making peace with the thing and accepting that whatever happens, i've really done all that anyone could reasonable expect of me, before i started actually putting pencil to paper.

that's an insane way to work. i wish it didn't have a history of working out really well so i'd stop relying on it.

also, one of the editors made this note on my original draft before they told me scrap it and start over:

in the rest of the draft, this editor used orange to indicate things (s)he wanted cut or clarified. I can only assume (s)he wanted this apostrophe cut. this pissed me off four or five hours ago. now i can only shrug. 

frankly, its bullshit.

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