Thursday, February 16, 2012

TUMBLR + i need tat ideas.

i dont really get tumblr - far as i can tell tumblr : blogspot :: twitter : facebook, so i don't hate it.
anyway, check it out here:

tumbl me

also can anyone think of a symbol for family/love that has five completely equal components? my mom and i might get matching tattoos, and since she has five kids (who argue about silly things) she wants something that represents all of us.
this is a more difficult idea than it seems - we can do a five-point star for example, because the boys will insist that the point at the top of the star is more important that the other points and she therefore loves the child that point represents more than the others. also, it needs to fit on our wrists so it has to be simple and small.
if you can think of anything, i need ideas asap.
we're irish, if that helps at all.
right now i'm thinking five circles in a row, outlined in black, filled in with the color of each child's birthstone.

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