Friday, October 12, 2012

A half-assed return to blogging.

So, yeah, I didn't update this shit for like six months. I can't imagine this is upsetting to anyone at all, but despite your total lack of reaction to my absence I'm returning. I'll probably fade off again shortly.

Since my last update not much has happened that a reader would need to know to understand future posts. I got a boyfriend, he's great. I doubt there will be much about that here but just in case. I'm not stripping anymore but I am a bartender at a strip club. I do expect to thrill you with tales of that development. It's not great, but it is funny.

I mostly wanted to kick this shit back into life to muse on the following: I think I ruined some really great records by overplaying them in rehab. I still can't listen to Imogene heap. Huge bummer.

So much for new thoughts.
I'm gonna just post the openings to a couple different stories ive been working on.

Fuck everybody.
Alexandra Elisabeth

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