Monday, September 5, 2011

I made a mistake

I lost my credit card. I'm 90 percent sure I dropped it on the floor of a cab at about 12:15 while trying to put it in my wallet, but the taxi commission is closed until tuesday for the holiday, so I can't contact them.
Also I don't remember with whom my family banks, so I can't cancel it without confessing to me father.
Also I've only been in new york for about 24 hours, and my parents didn't want me to come here in the first place because they felt something bad would happen. So this just proves that I'm not as responsible as I told them I've become - as I promised.
This sucks so hard. My parents are going to be so pissed, and they'll be totally justified. This was all me, just being irresponsible. I fucked up. 100% my fault.

Fucking up is the worst when the consequences impact the people to whom you promised you would not fuck up.

Have I made any progress at all? Am I the same silly child I was two months ago? Ohhhhh self-loathing...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Matt said...

You're responsible and very motivated...More so than most of the people I've met in my life. Don't let life get you down...its too confusing and complex..and theres nothing wrong with the way you view it because I feel the same way. I haven't known you personally for a long time....but I know that the very CORE of a person rarely changes throughout life (which is good for you) ...just know that there are alot of people who care about you and the kind of person you are. I wish more people were like you.