Monday, January 2, 2012

new pics

i haven't given you all a photo update in a while. i've been in a pretty dark place. winter in the rust belt takes a toll on the soul.
 anyway, this is pretty much what we do for fun here. bars. they're not grimy as a decor choice; just grimy.

 these are the prada glasses that i don't understand why i don't own. i can't think of one good reason for me to not have them. if miuccia prada knew that i don't have them, i believe she'd give them to me.

the angst expressed here sums up how i feel about christmas and new years eve.

not to imply i didn't go out for new years. this was the look.

and this was the more important end of the look (darian, when not taking pictures of myself with it, i kept my phone tucked into my stocking all night).

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