Monday, August 19, 2013

bravado - lorde

today was a day, i guess.
i got my first edit on my first story for the paper and it was overwhelmingly positive, so i'm going to re-write it and resubmit it tomorrow morning.
I also wrote a few new pieces for submission to a few different writing competitions and am looking forward to seeing how that goes.
i'm working on lining up a trip to the city, internship for a week and then a week catching up with some friends (you know, friends, people who you like and don't go out of their way to hurt you).
speaking of, I had a great night out at the greatest dive drag bar in toledo with a couple girls i've known for - jesus christ - ten years. so that lifted my spirits a bit.
nothing is really new, but i'm very much looking forward to getting back to new york.
oh also sensai told me today that i have a remarkable roundhouse kick and credited it to my long history of ballet. so don't fuck with me, i'll break your knees.

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