Sunday, August 4, 2013

yesterday (+free advice)

yesterday was, overall, pretty great.
i think i was still high on endorphins from martial arts the night before, when i refused to crush my instructor's face with my knee, despite his insistence that he gets kicked in the face all the time by people much stronger than i am.
i had a dream about reincarnation, where i was walking around what was essentially a fancypants arcade with lots of little rooms i could walk into and plug my soul in, and then i would live that life and die and end up back in the arcade. i dont remember living all the lives, i think in the dream i was just in the arcade looking at all my options. glimpses of reality.
then i successfully went out without having a panic attack! i saw some bands and met some people and talked to my new editor (!) bc i kinda work for a newspaper now. and when i came home i fell asleep right away.
probably my first genuinely good day, my first day that was Good from beginning to end with no terrible parts, in... let's see... ever? i think i had some Good days before rehab? I had a few on my road trip with nelson.

in other news, if you're ever giving yourself a sticknpoke tattoo, do not tattoo words unless they're really huge. you're going to want to make all the lines far away from each other, bc it will bleed into one black blur.

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