Wednesday, August 21, 2013

helping out around the house

so my parents have a pond in their front yard, and near this pond is a large tree stump. until two days ago, an old, very weather-worn white(ish) post leaned against the stump. slung from this miraculously-uncollapsed post was a definitely rotten styrofoam lifesaver tube that would definitely sink if thrown to a drowning person.

so i bought a new lifesaver tube and painted stripes on it, dug a hole in the ground to make the pole free-standing, painted and finished the pole, and added a warning sign and a hook for the lifesaver.

i am crafty as all fuck, and highly concerned for the safety of people trespassing onto my parents' property to swim in their pond.

you're welcome, trespassers. swim at own risk. probably no one will throw this flotation device to you.

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