Sunday, August 25, 2013


so as i've mentioned about a thousand times, i've been training in mixed martial arts for the past couple weeks. I've always loved the sport, and now that I'm training I'm fully in it.
i just went to my first live fight tonight. one of my instructors fought and kicked ass. knowing what's going on makes it so much more interesting to watch. before i was in it for the show of strength and, you know, dude-sweat, but now i realize how intellectual it is. you have to think SO fast.
because if you dont, there are serious serious consequences. in the title fight tonight dude took a left hook to the jaw that echoed through the arena and immediately went down. medics came in, put him in a neck-brace and tied him to a stretcher. he was breathing, but definitely not moving. and this was one of the two best fighters of the night, just didn't react quickly enough and got popped in jaw. went straight as a board and fell directly backward, like a cartoon. except you could hear his skull hit the mat.
all in all, great sport. if anybody knows a good place to train in brooklyn, i'm gonna be out there for the next three weeks and do not want to get soft. let me know.

i leave you with this. watch the master earn the title he has never lost.

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