Sunday, October 30, 2011

My (delayed) 23rd birthday celebration

At 1800 (all times are in california / pacific coast -and also, for clarity, military - time) tonight, after I went to brother 2's flag-football game (which squeezed in me a competitive trigger untouched since may 07. bmom had never seen me so competitive and it surprised her. anyway, during this game he scored an impossible TD and his team won by 1 point after their competitors tried and failed a hail-mary double pt play in the last 13 seconds. we saw the last half of this very exciting game after bmom and i also sprinted through a lightning-speed costco trip (26 minutes) - and i followed it by a post-game catnap, then bmom and i picked brother 1 up from and dropped brother 2 off at their private soccer lesson, during which we watched brothers 3 and 4 and nelson sprint around a playground. while walking home, nelson sold his soul to brother 4:

after, biomom, with all 4 four brothers plus nelson rounded up in the yard back home, made and served a dinner of tacos and got the boys bathed and into pajamas.

anyway, by 1900, after helping in the little capacity i could, i felt dead. Like my legs were dead, like they were just lead weights propped up on an ottoman while i read fran lenowitz (im OBSESSED with her btw. expect a post about Metropolitan Life and Social Studies soon)  my legs, though..... i was so tired it was like I could not even get up to fill my wine glass [(I asked bro 1 (age 10) for a top-up and was informed by bmom that her children aren't allowed to serve drinks, prompting me to swear that by age 10 my child(ren) will be (a) trained bartender(s)].

Anyway, luckily I'm prescribed amphetamines "as needed," which brilliantly allows me to determine their necessity, so I took the prescribed dosage to get me on my feet and bmom and I finally celebrated my birthday. it's the 3rd day since my actual birthday and thirteen since hers, so im glad she talked me into getting off my ass and going out - all my NY friends (esp poor joce; god only knows how many times she's tried) will know exactly how difficult that is to do. 

She took me to the local drag show which we've meant to attend every single time I've come to see her. We finally went, it was their halloween show, and it kicked ass. Here are some pics:

This first one i've had to edit a bit (as poorly as possibly) to change the color/exposure/saturation/temperature/etc so my bmom, the super-hot subject of this photo, would be visible. i assume if i follow what everything she's done (except with the having kids) ill look that good in 15 years.

serioulsy, look how hot she is. im proud of her for protecting her smarts and her body and keeping them just for herself. i love her.i mean, i would too if she were stupid, but im so glad she's one of the 3 - 5 people living smarter than i am. im <3 my 2 moms.

these next three are chanel (she was on Drag Race, is an incredible performer, we all love her, etc, etc.). the 2 of her 2nd performance actually scared all hell outta me, and i tried to become invisible as she scratch/caressed the woman next to me with her face pins. horrow show. but incredibly well done! the last pic is of her 1st show, done to "uninvited" - that killer feministo song from the 90s - and she KILLED it, 

after this show we went out to the local dive bar and i just realized i left my credit card there. fuck. ill have to go tomorrow and get it. no matter how grown up / close to real / responsible i get, i will always forget things everywhere. only the most important things, at only the most important places.


alright well i want some sleeping. im obsessed with this book so ill be reading it until i pass out.

more for you in a few days, dear reader.

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