Friday, October 21, 2011

part 5 of the comeback blog

i think ill finally be done catching up after this post.

here're some pics of me and Dog sleeping in the car:

and here's some pics my parents sent from their pacific dream vaca:

they really seem happy, and im so happy bc of that. they deserve some stress-free time to really enjoy each other and relax. look at that view!!

heres Bmom's final present:
the antique box and spool of string i picked up from her favorite shop in her hometown, the blue bundle on top holds the necklace, and the bundles of sage hide the mug from famous moms' which holds a hand written mythology of sage and a glass bottle of red desert sand. she liked it and im very proud of it.

ok, mostly caught up.
i havent decided yet if i want to talk about the surgery i had yesterday.
so, for now, goodbye dear reader.

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