Friday, October 21, 2011

part 3 of the comeback blog

ugh. while walking Dog last night i got some drunk texts from Mr 09 that just threw me off. just when you think youve finally put someone out of your life, when for the first time you know that your future wont include him and that youll be ok - that youll be better, even, he just appears on your phone with the same jokes and the same awful chemistry lights back up...

there's Mtn Man! he's taking pictures of an old ghost town structure - doin what he does. there were alot of interesting structures and foundations on that mountain face. i left the picture-taking to him bc he's better at it, so you'll have to buy his book to see the real photos of the things we saw. he knows so much about everything we saw and answered all my questions and when he didnt know the answers we looked it up together that night while the tea was heating up over the fire. i cant not smile thinking about it.
when we left those mountains we moved farther south where the climate didnt allow for the alpines and flat-leaf trees of the previous nights; our new digs were much more desert-y. but up on the plateau, at that elevation, one morning when we unzipped the tent we still found nearly half a foot of snow waiting for us.
we spent a few nights at this site but we couldve spent weeks. the town here was enormous and had a reputation for being the drinking-est, whoring-est town in the west - along with having the richest mines. we found at least a dozen shafts that i very badly wanted to explore but Mtn Man wouldnt let me bc they probably wouldve collapsed on me or something awful.
i learned a lot about not being unnecessarily reckless.
he has guns though, for coyotes and bears and hunting bunnies for stews, and he finally taught me how to shoot 'em. this is me about to shoot a shotgun for the very first time. it kicked back a bit, but i didnt fall down or anything, and my aim was pretty ok.
check out that form! im basically a pro. i could totally be an assassin.
we had to drive into a city to get his oil changed and re-up on supplies, so obviously we hit a dairy queen.  (my cone is the one on the right)
we share very strong feelings about ice cream; it should be consumed daily. it is the greatest food. usually we hit up gas station ice cream sandwiches or those pre-wrapped cones, so DQ day was a big day for us.
This is Zion ntl park. we both tend to dislike ntl parks bc of the way they turn nature into a safe, approachable tourist-infested disneyland and take away all of its reality, but neither of us had been to this one and had heard impressive things, so we decided to check it out. i got this pic after we scrambled up a steep hill / cliff. we also share a love of scramble-climbing.

this is what we climbed. i took this pic after we climbed down. see the yellowish crevasse just to the left of center? thats where we climbed.

thats me posing on top of the cliff. it was a really fun climb.
and here's the bridge out of the park to the next ghost town. the next morning we took baths in the river under this bridge, event though it was super icy cold.

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