Thursday, October 20, 2011

the start of my return to the blog

When i dont update for a long time i feel so overwhelmed by the amount of tales to tell and accompanying photos to post that i put off updating, and then, because i cant put off living, i end up with even more stories to post, and it gets increasingly difficult to know how to start.
the blog would be most readable if i started from where i left off, and told all the tales chronologically up to today, logical but slightly less easy to read if i told today's stories and went backward until i caught up with where i left off, but writing it would be easiest if i just start with what im thinking about right now and write todays stories, then tell tales from the past three weeks as i think of them.
obviously, because i doubt the existence of my "reader," i'm going to choose the last of those three options - why make life easier for someone who i doubt exists when i could do i what i want?

i just organized all the photos that went from my phone to my desktop, and there are four that dont really fit in with any of my other stories so this post will be about them.

this is the halloween costume bio-mom has selected for me. she's a character from yo gabba gabba, which is now on netflix (watch it ALL) and is my baby brother's (2.5 y/o) favorite show and the costume is NOT the sexy version of anything; its a big bag of stuffing that will make me look twice as heavy as nelson. my mom's going as dj lance and the baby is going to be brobee (who's green and has extra long arms and will be portrayed ADORABLY).
halloween has always been a big deal for me and my parents because it was the day my parents got me from the lawyer that negotiated my adoption, so they dubbed it my 'homecoming' and made it almost a secondary birthday for me. for bio-mom, however, its been a miserable day for the last 23 yrs bc its the anniversary of the day a lawyer took her baby away. so halloween '11 will be a big day because it will be the first halloween that biomom and i have ever spent together - we'll play it like its all about my little brothers, but it's going to be a big day for both of us and im very much looking forward to it. the last time i saw her on a halloween was early in the morning, yr 1988, when she handed me to a nurse who handed me to the lawyer who handed me to my parents. on halloween, yr 2011, no one will take me anywhere. i think it'll sink in for us and have a gradual emotional impact for us on that day. it really is a big deal if you think about it.
in rehab, my roommate was a girl about 2 yrs older than i am who'd become an addict to deal with giving away her baby - she'd fallen into the open arms of oxycotten after surrendering the product of an accidental pregnancy to the arms of a couple much like my parents 20 yrs ago. she and i obviously got close - which i think was the all-along plan of the rehab - so i learned alot about what my mom went through post-adoption.
all of this is by way of saying that this halloween will be the continuation of a cycle that started going 'round a long time ago, and im looking forward to halloween even more than i usually do this year.

this next one is my brothers in the waiting room at the pediatrician's office.

(L-R) T - 8 y/o, D - 2.5 y/o, L - 10 y/o, F - 5 y/o
L just sold a song he wrote to Cake, and signed on to star in the first single of their next record. He is unbelievably cool and takes it for granted, and thinks  everyone in the US has te opportunities he's had. orange county is a fucking crazy crazyass INSANE place. i cant get into it.


this is my new signature look. my former look, as you may be or probably are not familiar with, was either a large T, with the sleeves torn out, no pants, and big pumps, a gogo look, or mens M tee with tights. the new look is the pillowcase dress. i like it paired with thigh highs and pumps or with bare legs and flat knee high boots.
this picture was taken my first night in NY for nyfw ss12, at a part djed/thrown by my very dear, very close friend mister brendan sullivan, my incredibly loyal and faithful and loving friend and the voice of my generation. a mentor in many ways.

this last pic is one joce sent me sometime in early september that i have yet to decipher. that girl. id giv e anything to be able to live the way she does, to keep up with her life. she's a miracle in boots on wheels.

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