Monday, July 15, 2013

i just had the most fun you guys

so for a long time i had been talking about developing a week-long writing camp that i could sell to local libraries or rec centers as i was traveling to bring in a bit of income, and today i finally put that into action!  i did an hour and a half long writing lesson with my 7th grade brother and one of his friends based on a program i did in junior high called power of the pen. essentially the kids get a prompt and then write on that prompt for forty minutes, and at the end i score their stories on creativity, story development, how well they draw the reader in, whether it sets up a beginning and middle and resolves at the end. basic building blocks of fiction writing. it was so so fun.

liam wrote a story about how much he misses the sky, because there was a huge war that drove everyone underground, and then there was an underground war, and then he died in a flood but he liked being dead at the end bc he could see the sky again.

it kinda knocked my socks off.

im so glad i got to do this!!

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