Wednesday, June 8, 2011

in actual news

i secured the 5gs necessary to start my road trip!! i leave saturday morning. ill spend a few weeks in ohio packing and getting shit ready, shopping for maps and whatnot, then im off! if youd like to meet me in america, lets fucking do it. itll be all motels and cabins and sleeping bags for me for the next 6 months or so.

im gonna do some capital L Living and i couldnt be more excited about it.

i spent so long wondering what was in new york, but now im ready to see whats in the rest of the country. ive got a whole list of things id like to see. the badlands in montana, the grand canyon, the redwood forests, the san juan islands off the coast of oregon, the deserts in arizona, the music in austin, new orleans, nashville, up through the south - i cant wait. and it all starts saturday!!

i love new york, i always will, and itll always be my home, but ive burned it down. theres nothing left here for me as i am right now. maybe when ive grown into someone else ill have more opportunities here.

it feels good to be moving toward something, and thats what the next year of my life will be - all forward motion. i cant wait to leave all the mess behind.

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