Tuesday, June 14, 2011

just a little crazy. half crazy. 60% tops.

ive been saying some weird shit lately.
i mean, im not super concerned, but ive been saying things lately that could give one the impression of impending Crazy.
i had this conversation yesterday:

"Alex Magnetic $tarring in $trip Across America!"
and i said, in agreement, "Fuck yes! Summer 2012 bitches!"

it took ten minutes for me to realize that its still 2011. ten minutes.
which, in itself, not THAT crazy.
but then this happened:

i got this killer migraine behind left eye while proofing some shit for my dad. brutal brutal headache. so, as a joke, i said i can only read but i cant think about what im reading because that part of my brain seemed to be down. i then looked up what the left frontal lobe is responsible for and convinced myself that there are nerves inside my brain - that i could feel myself thinking, and that it hurt.
thats definitely crazy.

i think i need to talk to my doctor about what exactly he has me taking.

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