Friday, June 10, 2011

saying my goodbyes

ive been doing the rounds to say goodbye to everyone before i leave town but i havent caught everybody. maybe its better that way. god i hate goodbyes.

night before last i went back for a last night with my axman. he taught me a hell of a lot about life. not just the night before last, i mean in the last five months or so.

i shot a little movie with vincent last night - very fun, very strange. im very interested to see how it turns out. depending on the editing, i either shot my first porn or itll be a beautiful piece about fantasy. i have complete trust in his artistic instincts, though, so im not real worried either way.

bio-mom and family will be in columbus the last week of june, so im going to spend the rest of the month packing and getting ready for the trip in ohio, picking out a car, etc, then ill start my trip by heading south to see them. up to chicago to get my ali, one of my all time top three favorite people in the UNIVERSE. then - who knows??

its all terribly exciting.

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