Friday, October 21, 2011

part 2 of the comeback blog

the last post i put up was a summary of my last three weeks and some preemptive tying-up of loose ends.
this one will tell as much of the important parts as it can - what shows up here is whatever pops up in my head as i write and look at photos and go through my phone and read my texts and go through the things in my pockets.
so i just confirmed my dinner on saturday night in LA. my parents have an extra long delay there on their way back from their incredible pacific island vacation back home. they've been married 35 YEARS so i completely LOVE that they recognize how badly they owe themselves a vacation, and that the size of that debt warrants a fantastic, dream-island so far from everything that causes them stress. it's been great for us therapeutically as well, because my dad has this thing that compels him to have morning and evening contact with me daily, he makes my mom call in before and after she drives anywhere.... there's an anxiety level that i think their absence from cell range will help.
lets get into my updates.

this is the picture i took while staying w a (temporarily homeless) jocelyn after i freaked out after a standard new york experience that i couldnt handle (bc i'd been away for too long and lost my thick skin) so i shoved joce in my car and drove us to a state park in NJ (because my car-bed is my comfort zone / home and i prefer it to any home available to me) where we slept for the day. 
that experience not only gave us a peaceful, lakeside morning, but this photo of the citizens of new jersey driving into the city for their morning commute. 
Were i an artist, i would blow up and publish this photo without commentary beyond its title (NJ Morning Commute) because i think this photo says a lot all by itself. 
while driving to meet my mountain man for the most transformative, beautiful two weeks (if not) of my life (than that i can remember) i rounded a turn heading up into the mountains, found this cow across my lane(!), and had to stop abruptly (my right hand shot into the backseat to hold nelson back. im turning into a parent) because i wanted, obviously, to pet it. so after we passed this cow i pulled over, left nelson in the car, and got out and approached the cow with my palms toward her. when i got within three feet of her and was about to reach out to stroke the brow over the big liquid chocolate eye facing me, she backed away! and it made me so sad, bc i know she wasnt afraid of me. she's afraid of people. whatever had been to her to provoke  that reaction just broke my heart. so i left her alone and got back in my car, and gave nelson many dog treats. 
this pic is of an introductory page of a book i found after a lot of things had happened. it was taken the night Mountain Man and I returned to the south-eastern utah town in which we met in order to board my superdog in an incredible doggie summer-camp (which i will recommend to you if you contact me), went to an incredible bookstore, and went out to dinner at an italian place.
we were seated/hidden on the second floor and celebrated our bookstore finds. his was excited about, among other treasures, an atlas that not only showed blm (bureau of land management) land but the deterioration of the roads. it shows roads as they decline from gravel to dirt to rock to grass to 3ft wide grades on the edge of a mtn - it will be incredibly useful for his research and daily life. 
my big find was a $40 first edition of Tristram Shandy; the Life and Opinions of a Gentleman - and i know it was an original printing because of this picture!!!

LOOK AT THAT!!!! I own the 894th copy of the first thousand copies of this extraordinary text to reach the US and i only paid 40 bucks for it!!! so at, what he pointed out, was our first real dinner-date, we mostly discussed bookstore finds (which is my favorite topic. <3)  
the next afternoon i booked nelson into the dream-doggie-digs and went to the pharmacy to pick up my subox. they didnt have it til 48 hrs later, so i met Mtn Man in a small town, parked my car in an area free of no-parking signs, got in his pick-up, and we set off off on our journey!!!
i took this pic of a beautiful navajo sandstone extrusion on oct 4th as we drove to our first ghost town. it took about three, probably four or five days for Mtn Man and i to adapt to each other's systems and habits enough to get beyond that introductory strangeness and get used to each other enough to be able to be together every day. the beginning of our adventure presented a few obstacles - we were both used to our own systems of eating and setting up camp our own way, but i think i adapted to his routines as quickly as i could, and he accepted my presence more easily than he might have - he has been doing this all alone for over a year. i learned as quickly as i could the way he liked his bed set up, his kitchen arranged, his tent pitched - so we got along. i like to think he appreciated my efforts and i certainly appreciated his cooking - my Mtn Man is a GENIUS chef. every morning and night he created a meal even greater than the one before it - i cant tell you how delicious his food is. his goal was to fatten me up, and, my dear reader, im sorry to admit that he may have succeeded! his cooking is incredible. i wish i'd've photo'ed some of his stews... My God! I cant even think about them without my mouth watering!! 

I need to walk the dog, turn off all the lights at BM's house, and switch to bed-blogging now. I'll be back soon for further, juicer updates.....
(ps: including pictures of my Mtn Man himself!! :) .....) 


Unknown said...

Hey. I left an awesome comment this god damned thing deleted. Anyways, the rock at the end of this post is Summerville Formation, a deposit of tidal flats from an Ajacent sea. It is slightly younger, though still part of the Jurassic sequence, than the Navajo Sandstone, which weathers into steep sheer cliffs, often stained by long bits of Desert Varnish.

Navajo was the stuff that made the big cliffs at Zion, and the slightly less well cemented cliffs we scrambled over at the Grand Staircase.


alexandra (nee alex magnetic) said...

i am trying to learn!
this is one of the science im not great with.