Friday, August 5, 2011

Excuses, excuses

The problem with doing so much capital-l Living is that it leaves me too tired at the end of the day to tell the stories of what I've just Lived.
Not tired. Tired isn't the right word.
Mentally overwhelmed and emotionally drained is more accurate.
My mind's not tired at all. There're just too many thoughts, too many moments being run through - like my mind is a laundry machine, and each instance of my Living has to be washed separately, has to be spun around over and over and over until I've removed every grain of meaning from it. All the meaning, the dirt, stays in me, and the experiences are constantly replaced by new instances of Life to be churned through and analyzed.
But my mind doesn't wash one load at a time. It's more like an entire laundromat, analyzing the hundreds of moments that comprise my day, washing them thoroughly to lift every minute stain of meaning from each so I can absorb it.
This is why I'm also too emotionally drained to write the day's stories. My emotions are what run the analysis (the washing of experience in this analogy) but are also deeply impacted by what I find. More meaning I extract from a moment means more emotional investment. This is why I feel drained.
Anyway, I hope my laundromat analogy kept you distracted from the lack of actual content on my blog lately, and I beg your understanding, my darling reader.
I'm sure I'll have broken down my experiences enough to write about them for you very soon.
I just need to rest.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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