Saturday, August 13, 2011

The 'Moon-roof'

You know how some cars have a 'sun-roof'? Its usually wider than it is long, and kind of lateral over the driver and front-seat passenger of the car.
The subaru forester (what I drive) has what's basically an extra-large sunroof. Its not only just as wide as the roof of the car will allow, its actually a few inches (I'm estimating by looking at it) longer than it is wide, so it extends to the back seat as well. Its usually the first thing people comment on when they sit in my backseat (that's a lie. Its what they comment on after noting the amount of shit in my car). Anyway, its one of my favorite features of this little car (I drove an older, silver one in high school, btw, so I feel a bit of a bond to the thing).

So I'm out on the road, parked illegally in an "historical viewing area" off the local access road to the highway bc its incredibly beautiful and I like listening to the crickets in the tall grass all around, and the cars fwooshing by on the highway about 20 miles away, and the occasional train puttering through the valley right below.
I'm not gonna take my sleeping pill bc I'm afraid some state trooper will see me here and say "no camping" and kick me out and I don't want to be chemically groggy and driving if that happens.

(I wouldn't care if it was just me, but I live slightly less recklessly now that I'm responsible for Nelson)

So I'm laying in the back of this car, my dog pressing his body against the length of mine, and there isn't a cloud in the entire sky. The elevation here is a couple thousand feet higher than I'm used to, so all day the sky has felt bigger than usual and the clouds closer - I guess bc they are, but its really amazing to sense that you're closer to the clouds. You feel it all the time.

All around me, on all sides, is thigh-high grass (that nelson ran around in for a while) and I can feel the Space on every side of me, just as physically as I can feel this giant Dog pressing against me. I feel all the space in every direction, even up. There isn't a cloud to be seen for what seems like a thousand mile radius around me. Its just empty. Even the cars - going more than 80 mph, really flying - add to the sense of emptiness. They make it more palpable, because those are people trying not to feel it by moving so fast.

But I'm in the middle of it, perfectly still, and it feels like its pulling me into it, like my particles are spreading into the infinite directions of emptiness around me. I'm blending into the Space.

I've never thought enough about them to Feel the land around me, or the sky above and surrounding me.

But now I Feel them, and through the moon-roof of this car that's become a home for this girl and her giant dog, I can see the only spectacle in these thousands of miles of emptiness.
I can see the full moon.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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