Sunday, August 7, 2011

Things I've learned while road-tripping

(In the order I think of them, not in order of importance)
-put your ice in a waterproof bag before you put it in your cooler
-use the water that collects at the bottom of the color to water your dog or wash your hands in
-have a reliable flashlight
-never waste water
-always have two full gallons of water with you
-carry at least three knives of varying lengths and sharpness (one for prepping food, one for intimidation / protection, one w lots of other tools attached)
-if you suspect one of your water containers may be leaking, but can find no water on the bottom of the car, get rid of it anyway. (My thermals and sweatshirts were soaking up all that leaked water very neatly, I discovered this evening)
-if your knife doesn't have a corkscrew, the wine tastes just as good with the cork in the bottle as it does with the cork removed
-be nice to your fellow campers, bc they are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Don't be shy about sharing, or asking for stuff you need.
-anywhere you stop, is your campground. In mountain-y areas, roadside 'viewing areas' are beautiful places to spend the night.
-carry about 40 bucks in cash. One 20, and the rest small bills
-sleep in long sleeves and long pants and socks (lightweight in summer) to protect from the bugs. The number of sprays and citronella candles and repellent wipes you use does not matter. They will bite you.
-bring a really long book, and about 200 pencils (or pens, whatever you're into)
-pack lightly in every respect except blankets and pillows.
-bungee cords, boat straps, rope, duct tape
-bag for dirty clothes. Don't put them back in w your clean clothes.
-have an overnight bag packed in case you end up at a friend's place
-car chargers for your phone, ipod, laptop, mobile wireless, anything you need. Charge it while you drive
-change your oil every 5000 miles
-keep your toothpaste in its own ziplock
-pack so your passenger front seat is open. Friends don't like sitting in your trunk
-mouthwash (very important)
-bring an atlas, a real-life one, even if your car has a nav system
-have a trash bag in your car. Empty it whenever you get gas.
-refill your water bottles at every free opportunity
-get a real camera, the one on your phone sucks
-texting makes you a SHITTY driver. Don't.
-pull over to take pictures. don't drive and try to be a photographer
-if you take meds, make sure you either bring enough or have worked something out w your doc
-cook over fire. Do not east fast food. Ever. If you make one exception you'll keep on making them.
-know how to build a slow-burning fire
-have enough water (see how important that one is?)
-dont lose shit. Use all the little pockets in your car doors for different categories of stuff
-pack enough batteries for all your shit
-'psssst!' dry spray-on shampoo
-water-free face wipes (I like noxcema, but I know clearasil does one... Get hooked on shit you can go to any drugstore to re-up on)
-tampons. Do not run out.
-two forks, two knives, two spoons, two plates, two cup (if you're going solo. One extra for every person in the car.)
-hiking shoes should have ankle support, water shoes (rafting, canoeing, etc) should have closed toes
-be open to people. You never know where you'll find the best sex of your life.

That's what I've learned so far, and I've only been at this a month!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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