Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ani difranco, not a pretty girl

my mom in california just sent me this picture of my brothers in their easter outfits. can you believe how beautiful my family is?? i hope my kids are boys too.
there are many days that i open this blog fully intending to list all the reasons i no longer speak to my roommate. today is one of those days when i have to remind myself what my mama taught me: no one can control my feelings but me. her choice to live in negativity is not my choice.
nelson woke me up very early today and refused to go back to sleep, so we were in central park by 7:30.
im thinking about dropping out of school. i just dont think its for me, at least, columbia isnt. i dont have any desire to compete, or even prove myself. i enjoy the lectures and the reading, and even the discussions, but theres this element to academic success, this sense of wanting to prove youve been paying attention and swallowed the professors values as well as the course material that i just cant be bothered to work up. i know leaving columbia is essentially throwing away not only the culmination of 14 years of top-quality education but a suite of unimaginable opportunities, but i just cant value it enough to do it well right now. maybe i will return to my education, but i wont be in this environment when i do it.
so what to do instead?
im thinking strip for a few months, then road trip with the dog until i figure out whats next.

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