Monday, April 25, 2011

, and the unbearable lightness of being

this book was on an optional reading list for a class and i read it today with the intention of writing my final paper about it, but now that im nearly finished i think ill have to pick another book instead. this one is just very annoying. even beyond the constant soul-crushing mysogeny, its the way he constantly hits me over the head with his motifs that strikes me as patronizing. so now its almost 4am and ive wasted the last 24 hours reading this book. lame.

also, my roommates and i used to try to guess what the guy who lives upstairs was doing by the noises he made. we concluded that he must be a writer with a crack problem who rearranges his furniture when he gets writers' block. i wonder what the girl who lives in the apartment below mine thinks is going on up here right now. nelson just woke me up because he was running in his sleep and his legs are so long that they hang off the bed, so he was essentially kicking the floor.

dear girl downstairs,
that noise you heard at 4 oclock this morning was my great dane having a nightmare. sorry.

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