Monday, April 18, 2011

nirvana, in utero

sunrise at my parents house.

got back to the city last night.
the roommate saga continues. or, is resolved? i'm not actually sure.

you know how old people always talk about how the death of western civilization will be caused by people our age completely abandoning grammar and spelling bc we grew up 'texting' (or worse: 'sexting' )? i think they dont realize that when we actually learned to type we were too little for our fingers to reach all the punctuation keys on the side, so now when we need to type quickly we drop them again.
Isnt it cute how old people think western civilization isnt dead yet? doesn't that make you wanna squeeze their cheeks and say 'its ok gwanma' in baby-talk?

anyway, my parents are the shit. seriously, my dads a fucking superhero for driving me and Dog back and forth to ohio. for the first time in a very long time we actually spent time together, lots of consecutive hours, and didnt end up screaming at each other in a fancy restaurant. that is not hyperbole. deadass.

thats another pic from the funeral. little me and my grandparents.

saw kelsey for a few minutes, and she will be staying with me may 4-8, which i couldnt be happier about. shes so fucking cool. her story is too unbelievable to try to explain here, but im sure if you buy me a drink ill tell you all about it.

nelson loves ohio. he stayed with my parents for two weeks before he moved here to the city with me. unfortunately i didnt get any pics of him running around. but that top one is him in the car, and the bottom one is him and me sleeping on the couch.

also, because my dr seems to be performing an ongoing experiment while writing my prescriptions, my body has started doing weird shit. for example, i cant eat. cant do it. ill go for days and not even notice until i cant stop puking and i have no idea why. so, obviously, after everything ive put him through, my dad gets freaked out when he sees me puke an hour straight. therefore, i experienced the most surreal marijuana-purchase (not most surreal drug deal though) of my life.

ps if you see this book, read it.

it has pages like this.

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