Thursday, April 14, 2011

back in ohio

i came back to ohio today. well, my dad picked nelson and me up last night and we drove most of the night and this morning to get here. I showered and fed the dog then went with my family to my grandfather's funeral. My mom's brother has been staying with my parents for the past two weeks to be near my grandpa and yesterday his wife and son came to town (they live in germany). So with them and my parents i went out to the funeral home. my mom's other little brother died about two years ago, and he had an open casket wake. after that, my whole family was so spooked they re-wrote their wills to not be shown to anyone after they die. So grandpa was cremated, and his urn was there, but mostly the room was covered in family pictures and pictures from grandpa's life. i got one of him getting into his fucking FIGHTER JET. the other pic is of adorable five y/o me with teddy bear buttons on my sweater.
while at this funeral i got dumped via text message by a boy i wasnt even dating.
that's not the plot of a shitty 90's romcom.
that actually happened to me today.
eventually the funeral reception ended and i got to come home. i ran around with the dogs for awhile - my parents' dogs look so tiny now that im used to dogs being nelson-sized.
now im sitting at my parents kitchen table with them and my uncle, aunt, and cousin from germany. theyre busting out the patron, so it looks like margarita time.
updates to follow.

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