Saturday, April 9, 2011

short fiction, two

"So, what did you think? Would you see it again?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't hear you."
"Oh I just asked if you'd see the show again."
"Oh umm.... What do you mean?"
"What do you - the show? The one we just saw?"
"Would you see it again?"
"Like, a second time? Or do you mean if i could get the time back - like if i could go back in time knowing wha-"
"Oh Jesus Christ. It was just a question."
"Yes, ok? Sure, I would see it again either way. Yes. I would. Yes. Ok? Yes."
"Yeah, I just needed a second, but yes. Yes, ok? Ok?? Yes."
"Fine. Just drop it."
"I really liked it, ok? So, I guess, yes. I would. Yes."
"Yes. YES. Ok?? I would. Yes."

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