Wednesday, April 13, 2011

i think my mood controls the weather.

i saw this flag on 108th street this morning, and it summed up my mood pretty well.

i noticed nelson limping when we went out for our walk this morning, so we went to the vet (if you're a local dog owner, we went to Riverside Animal Hospital and they were very sweet to him) and spent the morning there. His leg is fine, but he was treated for an eye infection. it was pretty scary.

he and i are driving back to OH tonight for grandpa's funeral. i just threw all my black clothes in a suitcase and all my laundry in a garbage bag.

i'm dark lately. i finally communicated my unhappiness with the current incarnation of the relationship between me and one of my closest friends last night and i think it helped. it seems like it made a difference. now if i can just solve my roommate problem, ill be able to get some real work done.

also, i found this site on gawker ( that analyzes your twitter account and predicts your next tweet. my result was "not ideal." that's at least a little funny.

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