Thursday, April 7, 2011

RIP don hill

I went to Don Hill's funeral and reception (afterparty?) last night. The service was beautiful, but it was strange to see the pillars of new york nightlife and the rock n roll scene in an enormous catholic cathedral. none of us burst into flames, though we all laughed at a joke about altar boys that i'm sure the priest didn't funny.
The reception after was at the bar, and it was the least depressing funeral-related activity i've ever witnessed. it did feel more like an afterparty - no one could truly mourn, because no part of don's life warranted grief. Everyone just traded stories and said "well, he lived the dream. he lived exactly how he wanted to."
I should mention that Don Hill's had a special significance to me. My first weekend in New York, my freshman year, I convinced my friends to trek down from the UWS to go to the Bowie Ball. we got allllll dolled up, strapped on impossibly tall shoes, smeared make up all over our faces, and braved the longest ride on the one train imaginable. We hobbled all the way over to the club only to discover that IDs are sometimes scanned. Our brand new matching california fakes all failed, and the bouncer handed them back to us, shook his head, and said "this isn't a kid's party. Go home." So from then on, partying at Don Hills has been this symbol of having arrived, of being a part of something. a night spent there became a more significant event than a night spent at any other club.
So, thank you Don, for all the nights you saw me sneaking into your club through a five-foot mountain of trash (i started going there at 18) and didn't say a word because you thought it was funny. Thank you for the free drinks, for all the sex i've had in your men's room, coat check, and the band room in your basement - and thanks for kicking out those creepy guys the first night i gogo-ed on your bar.
rockNroll never dies.

Justin, CWhitts, and Eddy at the RatedX Warhol party at Don Hills, June 08

Nov 1 08 me and Don - i was so starstruck. im sure he thought i was a huge nerd. i have no idea who the girl on the right is. she hopped in at the last second.

Oct 27, 08 - I don't even remember this. I think Joce and I went because we hadn't gone out in too long (probably 4 or 5 days).

Justin at RatedX at Don Hill's, the night i snuck in unsuccessfully and was chased down and physically thrown into the street by a very large bouncer

Dan and me in the Don Hills back room, a few nights after new years 09.

Semi Precious Weapons show summer before last, where they debuted "break her in half," an ode to my drug problem.

Johnny and me at the funeral reception last night. How many funeral receptions have you attended that featured an open tequila bar?

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