Tuesday, May 24, 2011

i have seen the moment of my greatness flicker

there hasnt been much to say lately.
i like to think that life is all moments of greatness, that it is composed only of great decisions and great actions. it isnt, though, is it? the great decisions and great actions account for only moments, separated by long and longer stretches of empty, mindless time. waiting. drifting on momentum, coasting so slowly you dont see that youre stopping, until the next moment to decide and to act arrives. in this way we steer our lives, not as we go, but by aiming and shooting ourselves forward, in spurts of greatness. we spend most of our time not steering at all, just living out the decisions we made in those moments that mattered. we drift like sliding on ice, in a complete surrender to our own forward motion even as we slow down.

ha! jeez, can you tell what ive been reading??

i spent much of my day in a wig, which is a bizarre experience. i even had my value measured by my ability to wear a thong in heels and spin around, which is an experience i recommend to everyone. thats not a joke. do it. its an incomparable thing.
i also spent my day asking my self just how far im going to take this, and exactly what "this" is. how far will i push it, and what am i looking for?

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