Tuesday, May 10, 2011

our own layer of hell

i just saw lupe fiasco and skylar grey's performance from the colbert report last night and it kinda blew my mind.

there it is. so i just watched that and am right now stealing his record from him. i liked it, i thought he said some valuable shit and i loved the band and i recognize that he worked his ass off making this, yet im stealing it. i even took the clip off youtube instead of colbertnation.com so i could embed it - so i could really really steal it.

there is a special layer of hell reserved for me solely because of this.

so id just like to say that im sorry, musicians, that your talent is so rarely rewarded, and im sorry for not paying for a single song in the last four years - including to hear it played live. i hope that you, collectively, will accept my backstage blowjobs instead, because i just cant be paying for your music. also, i hope you dont mind, but i grabbed some food from catering for later. xoxxx

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