Saturday, May 7, 2011

an urgent note to the reader

i know some of you are reading this blog hoping for stories about my friends, and im now asking you to leave. this is not for you.
those of you here to read about me, what i do, what i think, and who i am can read on, though i cant imagine why you would. my life is specifically un-interesting. you'll mostly read about and look at pictures of my dog. the rest is just me talking through my experiences and relationships, trying to figure out what they mean. this is the other half of a conversation you will not possibly understand unless you know me more intimately than i think you do, and you certainly won't understand if you are not a significant part of my daily life.

so, yeah, this exists to let my stalker know my moods. and for complete strangers growing up in shitty places like the one where i grew up, for crazy people who cant figure out why theyre crazy, for fuckin junkies and drug addicts trying to feel things again, so they know theres more people like them out in the world, and we're out here trying to figure out it too.

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