Saturday, May 7, 2011

that being said,

i was greatly encouraged by how well work went last wednesday, and i think if i really work at saving money i can leave the city by mid june. id like to head to ohio first, but go up through upstate new york and maybe see niagara falls on the way. then ill drop nelson with my parents and spend a week with anne maries family in columbus, go back up for a little more time with my parents, then go to chicago and (hopefully) pick up ali, then south - maybe aim for nashville?
ive had lucinda willaims four wheels and a gravel road stuck in my head all morning.
im also going to new orleans in about a week and a half with the new man which is super exciting. itll be nonstop fun and games.
i guess im mostly looking forward to getting out of town because of my room mate situation. i prefer to just not interact with them, which works pretty well, but kelsey was here with them for a little while i was working. they made their first impression on her by talking shit about me. like shes not gonna tell me? i never understood why people do that, but i dont understand a lot of their lives.
living with them has taught me a lot though. there are some fundamental differences between people that cannot be overcome, but theyre also only revealed by cohabitation. and ive learned how to deflect passive aggression and to not let other people control how i feel. i have a long way to go, but i am getting better.

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