Sunday, May 15, 2011


woke up to nelson at the foot of the bed. he sleeps there now so he can be in front of the fan.

on his walk he snuck up on his nemesis, Bodega Cat.

one last note on this dog. hes fuuuuuuucking huge, yet people on the street constantly ask if he eats more than i do. this picture of his food should clear that up.

ok im done talking about my dog now. that was your daily dog update.
my parents were here this weekend and it was great. we didnt yell at each other at all AND nobody cried. pretty fucking huge for us.

in other news....
i think im constitutionally incapable of healthy relationships.
i think im opposed to healthy relaionships, actually.

maybe my problem is men, generally. you dont make any goddamn sense, so im thinking about switching teams. im obviously not implying that one can choose to be a lesbian. i just think i havent explored that side of my sexuality enough to know if theres anything there, and its about time i start. i know im mostly straight, but id like to see how far lez of hetero my sexuality goes.

obama plucked the wildflowers of hope from my soul, threw them down on the gaza strip, and drove a tank over them.

also, i listened to the radio the other day. you do know everyone can tell youre singing through your nose? everyone can tell. get a voice coach; im sure whoever decided that you were the girl for that label to have on the radio this month will buy you a great one.

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