Saturday, July 16, 2011

camping, with an enormous, constantly terrified dog

arent dogs supposed to LIKE to wilderness?? not mine. mine likes sleeping in the car, and sitting directly on top of me. im sittting in the wilderness, under a fucking pine tree, trying to drink my wine and blog, as one does in the wilderness, and he is laying across my legs. he doesnt need a leash, he needs to be surgically removed from my body.
anyway, i left for my road trip today. we drove for 8 hours and will stay here for about a week. the rest of the trip will be less driving, and less time in one place. itll be more like, drive in the morning, explore in the afternoon. anyway, i dont really know what to do now. here we are. in the woods. 930pm. nelson wont eat dinner so i guess ill post pics of driving, drink more wine, take a valium, and do to bed?
these two are of the car all packed before we left this morning.

oh, nvm, mobile wireless = attachments are unavailable. well, fuck it then. back into the car, where there are fewer bugs. im thinking about making Dog sleep out here. build some fucking character.

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