Saturday, July 23, 2011

Guest Post 3: Anonymous

Post modern hangover

I know this couple in their early 20s, emo kids, cute as HELL. See, they fight like all couples do. Why not? We love, we hurt, we lash out, we make up.. its all part of it, right?
They do it differently though, thats what i want to tell you about.
She txts him, "hey so are you seeing your mother?"
him: "why? Why do you care?"
her "just trying to plan things out, why are you taking my head off?"
Ok stop. Here you need to know two things,
1 - they are communicating exclusively in questions
2 - they are texting one another from the same room.
At this point she walks into the other room, slams the door.
He exhales deeply. Its friday night, they are in the same cramped nyc apartment, which naturally, somebody's parents reluctantly pay for. Its a one bedroom, which means two rooms. An air of hostility rolls into the apartment like fog, nobody can see one another, they are in their own heads, faces illuminated by tiny iphone screens.
Their feelings are certainly still being hurt, and their pain is certainly real. At the same time, so is their love though, and they are seemingly incapable of sharing this intimate detail with one another.
This is (i know for a fact) is how they always fight - and i am sort of horrified, though admittedly fascinated.
I wonder how they fuck. (Do they do that? Jesus..)
Is that normal? To not be able to face the person you love in some of the most intimate moments of your relationship? Is that "okay" with anyone else?
This is evidence of a subtle epidemic which is slowly robbing american young adult society of its personality. The solitary nature of socialization. Situations which are "real" have become too much to handle for these kids, god help them out there.
Our identities are forged not by real life situations but SELECTED from drop down menus. SELECTED from cropped pictures of eyes and bangs and an affinity for film and music.
"This is me," you say to the world. "wow! its also me!" The world says right back.
And we realize that we are all the same, right? But its bullshit isnt it? It just alienates us, ultimately we feel more alone. What the fuck? What did we do wrong? Did we create these profiles incorrectly or something????
The thing that i wish i could tell them is that we dont have to feel alone because in REALITY we are all so alike in surely many, but one very obviously simple way.
We are ALL scared of our place in the world. Why not they just bond over THAT? The reality of this fear should be bringing all of us together!
This anxiety is more meaningful and important than anything else. This anxiety could forge our identities, couldnt it? At least it would be real.
So kids, go ahead.
Let them know that you are scared. Its okay.
Because honestly?
Im scared to fucking death, and Ill be the first to admit it.
Go ahead and judge me for it if you want, because although im scared for you, i think that mostly im just scared OF you.
• You guys scare the fuck out of me, so please guys, put down your iphones, go into the next room, look your girlfriend dead in the eyes, tell her that you are scared because you dont know who you are, but that you love her, and that may be the one thing that you know for certain. If she doesnt love you for that, than grab your shit and run, you can change your relationship status on your way out the door. Oh and when you get outside, scream at her that she is a fucking horrible person... scream it at the top of your lungs, "YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON." Other people will gawk, its fine, let them. At least you will be expressing yourself! At least you will be real. So, welcome to the human race kid, now go have a beer.

Bio: Anonymous describes himself as "asleep at the glue factory."

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