Wednesday, July 6, 2011

my brain is coming back.

one of the reasons ive been staying so long w my parents before starting my road trip is that my father, being a legal genius and all, figured out how to make the money i spend on gas during my trip tax deductible. i wont go into the details, but the centerpiece of this plan is that i maintain a weekly newsletter for his clients while im traveling.
the obstacle here is that he works in finance, which is a world ive been purposefully ignorant of my entire life. saying that "i dont understand the economy" is like, a MASSIVE understatement. i mean, i never had a job until about 6 months ago, and its not like any job that pays $600 for four hours of work could've given me a reasonable understanding of the value of a dollar. so ive spent the last couple weeks learning what the economy is, and how banks work, and what mortgages are, and how credit works, and what the federal reserve does - ive learned more in these sessions with my dad than i learned in my last three semesters at columbia.
the weird thing is that im finding it all very interesting - even exciting. i doubt its because im on fire for finance. its just using my brain this way again, absorbing information, drawing conclusions - learning. i love to learn. its how i got into columbia in the first place.
i cant believe i got so distracted that i forgot how much i love to learn!
so ive been at it all day, exploring the websites of federal financial regulatory agencies, taking notes, formatting what a weekly newsletter of new regulations would look like, too much to even talk about here.
the point is, i feel like ive reactivated a whole section of my brain that had been relegated to overanalyzing social interaction, or analyzing myself and my thoughts and motives, or other shit far beneath its capacity. i forgot that im smart! can you imagine? and now neurons are firing that have laid dormant for far too long.
it is SO exciting to be learning again.
and, by the time im ready to start writing this newsletter, ill have accumulated a whole new body of knowledge! shit i knew nothing about a month ago, ill be able to talk about with expertise. it really is exhilarating.

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