Monday, July 25, 2011

Guest Post 6: Work Work Work

Work Work Work (pt2)

Dear Google,

I would like to formally accept the posted position of "director of technology at your esteemed corporation, please allow me to introduce myself.

I am vaguely familiar with my laptop which i primarily use to DJ at various nyc nightclubs, and the internet which i use regularly to access facebook, twitter, pitchfork, and many many mp3 blogs. Though the technology is obviously veiled in a dark shadow of mystery, my passion burns brightly, i am your precocious new employee, eager to step up to the task - whatever that may be.

My mother sent me .jpgs of other employees racing through the halls of google inc. on razr scooters, playing the familiar good natured joke of taping a "kick me" sign to the ceo's back, and him laughing it off, as if to say "my you are a pesky bunch!" I want to be pesky, i want to be in your bunch!

Oh summer fridays would be such fun! Strange blue cocktails the size of our heads, endless onion rings at applebees.... wow the thought of it..

My mother pleaded with me, just this morning when calling me repeatedly at 10am after i had been DJing till 5am the night before "why dont you just work at google?"

I shall! I shall work at google! so google, thank you for having me! I cant wait to begin work, if you would be so kind as to send me a basic description of what to wear, who to talk to, what to do, how to do it, where to go, and how to get there - i think that i can figure out the rest! (Is there actually anything else) if there is, ill ask my mother.

Thanks again!
Your newest employee,
Asleep at the Glue Factory!

P.s. i wake up at around 2pm
P.p.s when can i expect my first (six figure) paycheck? Can you pay me in cash? My bank acct is sorta overdrawn .....

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