Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wilderness Girl

I'm spending this whole week in the woods, with daily excursions into towns or to lakes or different woods. Its been incredible. I wake up and untangle myself from my massive dog and decide what I feel like doin. Mostly we hike around the woods of the campsite.
I have to admit I do miss new york every day. Of course I do, its my home and my soul lives there, so I try to keep it alive in me by never sacrificing my fashion to convenience. I AM going to bring back the pillowcase dress. I wear it with motorcycle boots, bright red nails, and absolutely no jewelry. This is my look this summer, and I will not compromise it just bc, instead of getting the reaction I would in new york for bringing back deep-cut grunge fashion, the people here seem to think I'm a runaway.
Fuck em.
I spend my entire day reading, exploring the woods w nelson, napping, and writing.
My schedule.
We're both getting used to the abrupt lifestyle change. I do expect the adjustment to take some time, which is why we're staying at this first campsite so long. Built up to the truly nomaadic life.

Things I need:
More wine
Citronella candles
Dog bug spray? Is that a thing?
More blankets
More pillowcases
Battery-op fan
A book to read if I ever get through this one
To find my ipod
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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