Monday, July 25, 2011

Guest Post 5: Work Work Work

Work Work Work (pt1)

Of course our entire financial system is total shit, and i think that we can all agree that money is utterly pointless when separated from the notion of its inherent connection to goods and services. Furthermore, plagues like status, greed, jealousy, and dishonesty swarm about money like flies over the rotting carcass of the american dream.
Still we need it. So we need to work.
I want to write humor piece about a terrible job, but considering my vaguely dire financial situation, i would actually take ANY job. So without further ado, i begin my new series of acceptance letters for jobs i havent interviewed for, applied to, or have the slightest clue as to how to perform even the most rudimentary functions associated with them: thus beginning my new column in my dear friend alex's blog, "work work work."

-Asleep at the Glue Factory

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