Sunday, July 3, 2011

shit i did yesterday

i did a lot of lying around, enjoying the emptiness and the silence and the space.

i also got a pedicure, during which i flipped through this months vogue (i disagree with gucci about nail trends. square tips are out, sharp pointed tips are whats next) and found an article about some overly wealthy woman doing an accessory collection for topshop. i was stunned to see an almost exact replica of a bracelet my aunt liz gave me while i was in columbus that once belonged to my great grandmother gogo (a NY socialite in the 20s! super cool woman. did awesome shit like dancing in the fountain in front of the plaza hotel and stealing a fruit truck for a joy ride - ill collect stories about her for her own post).

on the left is the bracelet i inherited, on the right is the picture in vogue of the one available at topshop. im still laughing about this.

im worried that nelson is getting too used to the good life we're living while we're staying with my parents (there is so much land. so much.) and will be pissed when we move into a car and live in it for 6 - 8 months.

also took some picture of the sunset while i was driving home. they dont come close to showing how incredible it actually was - the sky was on fire - but heres the best one anyway

and this just needs to be posted for its own fucking rad-ness. open it up large enough to read it through.

keep living.

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