Friday, July 22, 2011

Guest Post 1: AML

"The man who has begun to live more seriously within, begins to live more simply without." Hemingway

You're pissed. This whole thing blows and its certainly not what you thought it would be.
You drank with celebrities and they were sort of dorks. You danced on tables at fancy bars and it was sort of lame.
Now you are left alone with your hang over and your self loathing and wondering "was that just my life orgasm? and
it's all downhill from there?"

You are so sick of people telling you how wonderful, unique, special and important you are. You are sick of the vacillation btwn
being the most important thing to ever hit earth and the just a run of the mill person who has to work. WHICH IS IT? What is the truth?

The truth is you have to work. But the good news is - work isn't all bad. Ok - work isn't all bad unless you work at Domino's. Then, I'm sorry,
you have permission to kill yourself. Everyone else, stay with me.

I once told someone that every choice he makes, every decision and every act weaves into the fiber of the person that he becomes. If he can choose
well, he can do great things. If he chooses poorly he will end up in prison, or rehab, or a dead end relationship or, worst case senario, GUEST writing a blog.

So Hemingway says live without. Deny yourself one more drink. Deny yourself your next conquest. Deny your self a cheeto or a brownie or an episode of
the Simpsons that you've already seen. We all have our own starting point. But once you've done that - see if you aren't stronger the next time. See if the
person you are becoming feels a little more realized. See if you can make that last. Live without.

- aml
bio: aml is a person that knows more than you. But probably not all that much more.
She has done a lot of livin' in the time she's been given and now she is happy.

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