Friday, July 1, 2011

i dont get emotional

often. i had this thing where i didnt cry for like years. i now have ptsd from an overly aggressive rehab experience, so i cry all the fucking time, but you guys really got to me yesterday. please continue to share that post.

every one of us that chooses to live outside the boundaries of whatever the fuck "normal" society is, we know the bravery that decision requires. especially when we take our freak selves outside ny - new york is the island of misfit toys. everyone there is weird, which is why its such a magical and creative place. its when we leave that freak paradise that we have to really ask ourselves why we've made the choices that separate us from "everyone else." we feel alone, and we feel like targets, and i know that at least i have personally felt physically threatened as a result of my choices.

this does not make us less valid people. i would argue it makes us better, because the exception to the norm is what drives evolution. creativity, difference, abnormality - we choose it, because we need that freedom. it sucks that the same difference that makes us feel free is a reason for other people to cage us in labels, but never question yourself.

even if youre the only girl in your entire town with short hair - or the only boy with long hair, youre not alone.

we're lucky we have the internet - we can reach out and find each other. when i was in 7th grade in catholic school in a tiny suburb of a burned out town, i felt alone. all i had were late-night mtv videos. but we have each other, and we're all in this together.

like i said before, nobody is better than you. if they think they are, that very thought makes them less educated. we are all in this together - my old dealer used to tell me that all the time, and the fact that he was a fuckin junkie, does not invalidate a word he said.

we're all in this together.

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